Garage Sales

So today I experienced a garage sale for the first time. Very interesting.
Mother woke me up saying, “Hurry up, people are coming to clean. Also, the Japanese people across the street are having a garage sale.”
So we had a look. For some reason, my father gave me $1xx.xx, which I’m sure could have bought every freaking thing there. There was quite a bit of random stuff. I got a nice mug (I’ve been wanting a mug for some time), a tie (been wanting one that doesn’t suck), and 2 Japanese books (some random 1st grade storybook and a Pokemon dictionary). For $4.75. By the way, the books together cost 75 cents. The Pokemon dictionary itself had a retail price of 980 yen.


I love garage sales.

…Although, I really should have picked up a couple of stuffed animals. There were quite a few. Perhaps next time.

And no, Black Rock Shooter (which got delayed to summer and became an OVA…) has nothing to do with anything.
Random Japanese Word of the Day:
凄い(sugoi) – Wow!, Amazing!, OHMYEFFINGHARUHI. Very, very common adjective. As with anything, it turns into a drawling すげえ(sugee) in slang, where it can be drawn out as long as you want to for emphasis. For even more emphasis, you can go with すっげええ(suggeee…).

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