Archive for the Life Category

Pet Peeves

Posted in Life with tags , , on February 28, 2010 by kumoriha

I’m feeling kind of annoyed right now, so I’ll give a list of ten pet peeves in no particular order.

1. Stupid people. No explanation needed.
2. Loud things/people. No explanation needed.
3. Unflushed toilets. Hate hate hate when people do this. My parents apparently don’t know how to hold down the flushing thing to flush it either.
4. People who try to act “cool” or “gangster.” They just fail at it. Sometimes it’s funny, but most of the time it’s just annoying.
5. Wasting time. I have too many things I want to do.
6. Disruptive people/things. Wasting my time.
7. Little kids. 子供が嫌いです。
8. Homophobes. Although this is just personal dislike for people who hate on awesomeness. Personally, I think gay people have really fun personalities.
9. People who don’t do their work. They copy other people and crap. They’re screwing themselves in the end. And they usually have really annoying personalities.
10. People who annoy other people. I don’t see the point of their actions. Do they want people to be pissed off at them or something? I guess this would fall under “stupid people” as well…

I feel slightly better now.

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
ドン引き(donbiki) – creep out, turn-off. When Choucho was asked about Pokota after his “sexual harassment,” she replied, “Donbiki desu.”


Posted in Life with tags , , on February 23, 2010 by kumoriha

Orchestra concert tonight went okay. At least I didn’t mess up like in rehearsal. Can’t say the same about Jenny though…
However. There was one important thing I noticed at the concert besides Joseph’s repeated channeling of Yo-Yo Ma. Zettai Ryouiki. I will now forever remember that girl who was playing piano as “Zettai Ryouiki Girl” for her knee socks (or thigh socks?).


I feel like listening to some abstract music now for some reason. Meh. Must practice Smiling.

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
絶対領域(zettai ryouiki) – “Absolute Territory.” Came from Evangelion apparently, but its current meaning refers to the space between the hem of a skirt to the top of the sock. Basically, the thigh skin showing. Supposedly, “perfect” zettai ryouiki is a few inches or so. I blame the internet for my knowing this.

That’s what your mother’s face said!

Posted in Life with tags , , on February 18, 2010 by kumoriha

It seems that every day, little by little, the English language is dwindling, falling into the dark pits of metaphorical defication. Maybe not just little by little. Human creativity has been dulled by the advent of this decade, where coined phrases are put into use everyday in every situation.

A: Hey, got a dollar?
B: That’s what she said!
A: ???

This situation has become so common, so prevalent, that one would expect to get used to it.
I haven’t.
It feels like everywhere I go, there’s some douche that pulls a bad line from some sort of crap media out of his ass, polishes it with a dirty rag, and then tosses it into your face without warning. And what can you do? Reciprocation? Unfortunately, that happens all too often as well.

A: You’re freaking retarded.
B: Your mother’s retarded.
A: Your face’s retarded.
B: That’s what she said.

Now, I could spend the time to analyze each of these lines which I’m sure have come up at least 100 times in my vicinity exactly as is, but I don’t think that would be productive. In any case, it can all be summed up in two letters: B.S.
In other words, Brain Shortcircuit.
B.S. is a condition that occurs when one spends too much time absorbing feces from contemporary media, causing certain nerve centrals in the body to completely shut down. In programming language, it’d be something like while anything, respond with xxx with no end in sight. I believe B.S. is a serious epidemic in America today, something more potentially harmful, prevalent, and contagious that AIDS or TB. Fortunately, B.S. can be easily cured by any of the following remedies: 1. Imprisonment, 2. Removal of eyes and ears, or 3. Death.
Or, you know, one can just…decide not to do it?

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
どうしてこうなった(doushite kou natta) – “Why did it become like this?!”; “How did it come to this?!” Usable in pretty much all applicable situations. I think it came from 2ch.

Happy Chinese New Year

Posted in Life with tags , , on February 14, 2010 by kumoriha

All the stuff.

So, it’s Chinese New Year! Yay! Celebrations, food, and random people dancing in the street. Perhaps one of those will be Clint (no doubt). It’s been pretty busy with all of these bloody dinners, although last night was fun. The food was nice, and we had an enjoyable gambling night with poker and mahjong. Fun fun fun. Tonight…was not so great. Bleh.

Less importantly, it’s also Valentine’s Day. The Love Plus event was a little disappointing. All I got was what is presumably a box of chocolates, and…that’s it. At least I got a new dream sequence, although it was pretty weird.

I was originally planning to translate Hajimete no Koi ga Owarutoki (When Your First Love Ends) today, because it fit so well with the holiday, but I didn’t have time. Gloom.

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
魔法(mahou) – magic. As you can probably guess from the kanji. A “witch” is 魔女(majyo), and a “magician” is usually referred to as 魔法使い(mahou tsukai), a “magic user.”

Winter Olympics 2010

Posted in Life with tags , , , on February 12, 2010 by kumoriha

Pedobear goes into the pic somewhere too.
So the opening ceremony’s going on. I’ve always preferred the winter Olympics to the summer ones. The coldness and the snow, y’know? It’s so much prettier compared to the summer Olympics, where I think of heat and sweat. Not cool.

Over hot pot dinner tonight, my mother randomly asked, “So, have you ever had dog before?” Afterwards, we had a nice little discussion about the deliciousness of dogs, cats, deer, and Koreans (the people in general, that is, not how they taste). We then moved onto Chinese New Year foods – 汤圆(tang yuan) and 年糕(nian gao). Yummy. Hopefully I’ll be able to get my fill of sweets in the upcoming New Year dinner(s).

Valentine’s Day is coming soon! …I wonder what event there is in Love Plus. Well, expect lots of love for Manaka and Mio along with cake. Lots of cake. Only in Japan, folks.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to get some cake.

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
花見(hanami) – flower viewing. Usually refers to the viewing of sakura/cherry blossoms in the spring, since they’re there for only a couple of weeks, and then fall off. People have nice picnics in public parks and such. Would love to go hanami.

Life, Love, and Hanging Meat

Posted in Life on February 11, 2010 by kumoriha

I’ve been thinking about what I want to do in life lately. Something interesting, of course. I want to be able to enjoy myself everyday, but still be productive in a sense. And of course, I’d like to move to Japan, if at least for a year or two. The problems in this plan is that it’s not much of a plan to begin with and the fact that I have no money. To get money, I’ll need to find a job. To find a job that I’ll feel comfortable working in, I need to find my purpose.

So, what should I do? A doctor? An engineer? A terrorist?

But what specifics? Perhaps I’ll find my answers in college.

But what college?

Life is annoying. But that’s why it’s interesting, I suppose.

SAT scores came out today. I’m slightly annoyed that I didn’t get 2400 and money, but at least I pulled a Walter.

Now, in completely unrelated news, Wotamin sings “Love is War”.

Also, apparently you’ll be able to see raw meat hanging off of power lines in certain parts of China. Do not want to go back anymore. Will change preference to Japan.

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
全然ダメ(zenzen dame) – “absolutely no good.” Zenzen means “completely,” “absolutely,” and other absolutes. Dame can have a bunch of slightly different meanings, but all with the same general connotation of “No!”, “Don’t do it!”, or “Useless!”
A great word.

Computer Geeks

Posted in Life with tags , on February 10, 2010 by kumoriha

Dating is a hassle.
Awesome read.

So…your home directory or mine?

9 Awesome Uses For Dead Gadgets

Posted in Life with tags , on February 9, 2010 by kumoriha

Interesting read.
Also, Linkin Park is on Nicovideo. Why why why.
New episode of Katanagatari, finally. Now to wait another month…
Got myself a half-gallon of Horchata, which isn’t bad, although I could do with less sugar and no cinnamon.

Okay, boring rambling yes.

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
ひも(himo) – a string or rope or lace. Also can mean a pimp. Yes, a pimp.

Ho. Ho. Ho.

Posted in Life with tags , , on February 2, 2010 by kumoriha

Found this when I was browsing at Borders.

I have to say, I saw this coming ever since I first saw her biography.

Also, Final Fantasy XIII used copy has fallen to $15. Yikes.

Random Japanese Word of the Day:
外人(gaijin) – Foreigner. Literally “outsider,” derived from 外国人(gaikokujin). Gaijin is the shorter and ruder way of saying it.

Happy New Year’s

Posted in Life on January 1, 2010 by kumoriha

Um, yeah. Tired. Went fireworking at around 1:30 a.m. but it was freaking cold and windy. We only shot off a few Roman Candles, a couple of shriekers, and set off a bunch of sparklers. We were too scared to fire off anything big, since there were random trucks placed haphazardly around the parking lot, not to mention the line of traffic next to the lot. I managed to hit a pole with a Roman Candle, so $2 to me. Afterwards was IHOP again, where we waited until around 2:30 for seating for 9. There were a bunch of other large parties there too, including a group of Asian (Korean, I think?) girls giggling over an iPod. Reminded me of Jenny and Mency. Anyway, by the time we got home, it was already 5-ish, and the sky was starting to lighten. Collapsed pretty much immediately.

We went shopping in the morning today for our peach tart, only there were no tart tins, so we used a pie tin. Also, we stupidly picked peaches that weren’t hard. Peeling 6 soft, mushy peaches is not fun. End result: the tart wasn’t particularly great, but it was edible.

Went bowling in the afternoon. Starting out with all gutters was not unexpected, but I still somehow managed 2nd. Nunu was pro and took 1st. Had some munchies then at Memorial Mall, where some Mexican guy gave us samples and urged us to go to this place. The sample was pretty good.

Anyway, fun times. Tired. Tired. Tired. Am thinking about switching to Blogger since WordPress doesn’t support Nicovideo embed.